


Book Drive for K-12 School Libraries

A campaign by AYLUS Williamsville

  • $1,550
    Raised of $1,500
  • 25
  • 0
    seconds left
103 %
Successfully funded on May 22, 2021
Book Drive for K-12 School Libraries

  • AYLUS Williamsville December 29, 2021
    Thank you again for your support in the past year!
    Wishing you a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous Year of 2022!

    We continued our fundraiser in Fall 2021 and donated 27 books to two Buffalo Public Schools that are in need of such additions in their libraries. They are 69 Houghton Academy and Olmsted School. The Librarians wrote:

    Nava Fader, Librarian in Olmsted School:  Thank you! How awesome to have not only the books themselves but interest and support in the community.

    Beverly Glor from 69 Houghton Academy: Thank you so very much for the wonderful book donation! I am pleased to expand our collection and I know that the students will certainly enjoy reading them all.  We appreciate the work that your group is doing for the community. 

  • AYLUS Williamsville June 30, 2021
    Thank you for your generous support! We have spent 
    $1,593.65 to buy 126 books, and donated these books to the following ten schools:

    ·         Williamsville East

    ·         Williamsville North

    ·         Transit Middle

    ·         Casey Middle

    ·         Sheridan Hill Elementary

    ·         Maple East Elementary

    ·         Heim Middle

    ·         DR. DREW SCIENCE MAGNET (#59)



  • AYLUS Williamsville June 14, 2021
    为了答谢所有支持我们捐书活动的朋友们,我们特别邀请您和您的家人于6/23周三晚5-8点来参加野餐会,地点:Meadowlakes Pavilion #1, 8550 Clarence Center Rd, Clarence, NY。届时我们邀请了几位藤校学生和家长给大家介绍一下成长经历和育娃经验,并回答大家感兴趣的相关问题。AYLUS的志愿者期待着亲自向您表示感谢!如果您准备参加,请在Comments报一下参加人数。谢谢!
  • AYLUS Williamsville June 14, 2021
    再次感谢您的捐款!我们已经捐赠了Williamsville East High School and North High School.
    Tuesday 6/15 3:35pm Casey Middle
    Wednesday 6/16 3:00pm Transit Middle 
                       6/16 3:15 Sheridan Hills Elementary
                       6/16 3:30pm Maple East Elementary
    Heim Middle School
    DR. DREW SCIENCE MAGNET (Buffalo Public School #59)
    ROOSEVELT EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER (Buffalo Public School #65)
    MAKOWSKI EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER (Buffalo Public School #99)
  • AYLUS Williamsville May 23, 2021
    Yeah! We reached our goal!! Thank you so much everyone for your contribution! Every dollar counts. 
    We are contacting schools to see which books that they are willing to accept. So far we have contacted Williamsville East & North High School, Transit Middle School, Country Parkway Elementary, and Nichols, and will be contacting about five more schools. Will keep you posted.  

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