


Terms of Service (平台规章)



OneworldGiving is an American 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN # 81-3247221) that provides a platform for an individual, entity, or non-profit organization in need to post a fundraising or charity campaign to the OneworldGiving site to accept monetary or donated goods, voluntary labor, donated service help from donors. By using, creating your OneworldGiving account and using the platform, you are subject to these Terms of Service, which may be updated by OneworldGiving from time to time.


The services that OneworldGiving provides are administrative platforms only. OneworldGiving facilitates the campaigns of the campaign organizers and permits donors to make donations to these campaign organizers. OneworldGiving merely provides the platform to allow campaign organizers to reach out to donors. OneworldGiving is not a broker, agent, financial institution, or insurer for any user, and it does not intend to provide financial, legal, tax, or other professional advice.

To use the service, you must: (1) Be a U.S. resident physically located in the United States; (2) Be at least 18 years old (or at least 13 years old and have the permission of a parent or legal guardian); (3) Agree to comply with OneworldGiving Agreement; and (4) Have all necessary rights and authority to use the Services. Any use of the services in violation of this agreement is prohibited.

All information and content, whether publicly posted on OneworldGiving platform or privately transmitted, is the sole responsibility of the person who originated such content. OneworldGiving may not verify or control the content posted via the services. Therefore, OneworldGiving does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any such information or content. You acknowledge and agree that you access all information and content and use the services at your own risk and discretion. If you find any fraudulence in any case, please contact OneworldGiving to alert our team of the potential issue.

The existence of the services is not a solicitation of donations by OneworldGiving, and OneworldGiving is not a party to any agreement between any users. We expressly disclaim any liability or responsibility for the outcome or success of any campaign.


You may be required to register with OneworldGiving to access and use certain our services. If you choose to register for the services, you agree to provide and maintain current, accurate, and complete information about yourself on the registration form. Campaign organizers must register using their true identities, including their name and address.

You acknowledge and agree that OneworldGiving reserves the right to suspend or terminate your account/campaigns, or cease providing you with all or part of the services at any time and for any reason we deem appropriate, with or without notice. We disclaim any liability to you or any third party for any claims, damages, costs, or losses resulting therefrom.


Donors may feel free to donate any amount to any campaign. The entire amount of donation made through OneworldGiving goes to the beneficiary as designated in the campaign. All donations are at your own risk. We cannot verify the information that users or campaigns supply, nor do we guarantee that the donations will be used as prescribed in a campaign. When you make a donation through OneworldGiving, it is your responsibility to understand the value of contributing to any campaign, and how your money will be used. We shall not be responsible for the use of your donations raised for any campaign through the platform, nor we can offer refunds on donations. OneworldGiving advise that donors only contribute to the campaigns that you know the individual’s or the entity’s need for aid and assistance is truthful.

OneworldGiving is not responsible for any offers, promises, or rewards, made or offered by users or campaigns.

Campaign Organizer

Your campaign should be charity related. Under speical circumstances, OneworldGiving may approve important but non-charity campaigns, which we will clearly mark them in compaign titles. Your campaign content will be posted on the platform once it is approved. OneworldGiving reserves the right not to post the campaign if the content is regarded as out of the scope of the services by OneworldGiving. Please make sure not to post pictures of or information about the third party without permission. Campaign organizers should ensure all listed below:

        (1) All information you provide in connection with a Campaign is truthful, accurate, and not likely to deceive any user. Fraudulence is a serious offense and will be dealt with accordingly. Campaigners could be liable for legal damages if any fraud is found at any time;
        (2) All donations contributed to your campaign will be used solely as described in the campaign post;
        (3) You may set up a campaign for people you know and ask other donors to help together with you. In such a case, all donations will be given to and/or spent on behalf of the Beneficiary;
        (4) You will not infringe the rights of others;
        (5) You will comply with all relevant and applicable law and financial reporting obligations. It is your responsibility to determine what, if any, taxes apply to the donations you receive through your use of OneworldGiving services;
        (6) You are authorized to use any personal data of any third party for the campaign purpose, including but not limited to the names, email addresses, phone numbers, and health information, as required under applicable law. OneworldGiving reserves the right to provide information relating to your campaign to donors, beneficiaries of your campaign, or law enforcement if any investigation is needed.
        (7) You keep each donation your campaign receive and the money you collect will be transferred to your bank account when your campaign is closed.

Payment Processor

OneworldGiving is not a payment processor and does not hold any funds. Instead, OneworldGiving uses third-party payment processing partners (specifically PayPal and Stripe) to process Donations for a Campaign. You acknowledge and agree that the use of payment processors are integral to the services and that we exchange information with payment processors to facilitate the provision of Services.

Pricing and Fees

It is free to register and create your online fundraising or charity campaign in OneworldGiving. OneworldGiving is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Therefore, all your donations made to campaigns in OneworldGiving are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

A platform fee is not required in OneworldGiving. However, donors are encouraged to allocate 5% of their donation to support and help OneworldGiving continue its service. Donors can remove or change this amount at the time of contribution. A standard payment processing fee of 2.2% plus $0.49 (through PayPal), or 2.9% plus $0.30 (through Stripe) per donation will also be charged by the payment companies. For some special campaigns, for a big amount of donation (over $500), to avoid the processing fee from payment companies, you may also contribute by manual payments (bank transfer, cash or cheque). Your donations by manual payments will also be shown under the case you support. Under present policy, the fees will be added to donor's contribution, so the campaign can get the full amount. Campaigners are never charged any fees.

OneworldGiving discloses the organization’s financial statements and balance every year. All OneworldGiving funds can only be used to develop this non-profit charitable organization, hire necessary employees, or go directly to charity itself. We will disclose how every dollar is spent.

Receiving Donations from a Campaign:

OneworldGiving will send the collected donations to the campaign creator once the campaign is due. Or, the campaign creator can choose any date to close the campaign and contact OneworldGiving (through our "Contact" link) for money distribution. Please make sure you upload the accurate and up-to-date address (if needed), and PayPal or bank account information for receiving payments in your OneworldGiving account “Settings” or campaign “Files” link, which is located above the picture or video. Only you and OneworldGiving can view these confidential information/files. OneworldGiving can only send the money to you via PayPal (no charge from our side), bank account transfer (no charge from our side), or by a Check ($2 fee will be deducted).

Please acknowledge that after your campaign is closed, it typically takes about 6-7 business days for the money entering OneworldGiving account from the campaign and then transferred from OneworldGiving account to yours. OneworldGiving expressly disclaims any and all responsibility for any delay or inability due to third-party (payment processing partners, specifically PayPal and Stripe). Therefore, OneworldGiving does not guarantee that payments will be available to you for use immediately or within any specific time frame.

General Terms

The Terms of Service may be updated by OneworldGiving from time to time. If we make a material change to this Agreement we may post advance notice on the site. Your continued use of our services after any change means that you agree with, and consent to be bound by, the new Terms of Service. Otherwise, you will need to close your account and/or stop using the services.

OneworldGiving reserves the right at any time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, our service with or without notice. You agree that OneworldGiving shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of OneworldGiving platform.


        “四海一家”(OneworldGiving)是一个美国非盈利慈善机构(注册号码:81-3247221),为处在困境中的人们或各种慈善,公益活动提供一个能得到社会捐款,或物资,义工等帮助的平台。“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)目前主要致力于帮助在美华人,同时欢迎任何群体使用我们的慈善平台。 请用户在使用“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)平台提供的服务前,务必仔细阅读我们的《规章》中的全部条款,特别是以加粗字体标示的部分。如果您继续使用平台的服务,便视为您接受了本规章的全部条款,如果您不同意本规章的条款,请立刻停止访问、使用平台提供的服务。



        您必须符合所有以下的条件方可使用“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)平台服务:(1) 救助或慈善项目申请者必须是美国居民(不一定是永久居民或公民),并拥有美国银行账户以便能接受所得善款; (2) 您必须在18周岁以上,或13周岁以上但得到您父母或监护人的同意; (3) 您必须遵守“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)的《平台规章》; (4) 您必须拥有使用这些平台的合法权利。










        您的项目必须是和慈善和公益相关的活动。在特殊情况下,“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)可能批准少数非慈善项目,但我们会在项目名字后面清楚地标注出来。所有项目只有在“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)认为符合条件并批准后才能正式上传平台寻求帮助。如果我们认为一些项目活动性质和内容不属于本平台服务的对象,“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)保留不批准这些项目的权利。 项目发起人或组织务请确保您所要上传信息和照片均得到当事人的同意!您同时必须确保以下条例:

        (1) 您必须保证您在项目中对情况的描写及相关信息是真实和准确的。如果在任何时候被发现有误导或欺骗行为,您必须承担相应的法律后果;
        (2) 您应该按您在项目中所描写的那样合理使用您通过“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)平台募得的所有捐款或物资;
        (3) 您可以代表您所知道的困难人或组织在“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)平台上传项目以争取社会和您一块帮助他们。在这种情况下,您必须将项目所得捐助全部转交给项目所指定的受益人或组织,或像项目中所描写的那样用所得捐助为他们实施项目目的;
        (4) 您和您上传到“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)平台上的项目不能侵犯任何其他人的合法权益;
        (5) 您必须确保您在平台中的所有活动,以及对您项目所得捐赠物资的处理符合一切相关的法律。用户自己有责任确定您从“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)平台所得的捐款是否涉及税务问题,并完成相应的申报工作;
        (6) 如果您的项目内容涉及任何第三方包括姓名,电子邮件地址,电话号码,或健康状况等个人信息,您必须事先得到当事人的同意,并符合相关的法律。“四海一家”(OneworldGiving) 拥有在特定情况下向捐赠人或法律调查机构公开您相关项目信息的责任和权利。
        (6) 您的项目收到的每一笔捐赠款项会在您的项目结束时及时转到您所指定的银行账户上。




        在“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)里任何注册和创建筹款项目活动都是免费的。对项目受益人也没有任何别的费用,您将得到项目的所有善款。对于捐助者,因为“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)是美国注册501(c)(3) 慈善机构,您在“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)平台里的捐款数目是可以按照相关税务法报免税的。





        请项目人或组织注意在正常情况下,项目结束后所有捐款进到“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)账户,再由“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)转到您的账户一般需要6到7个工作日。此外,“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)不为第三方(支付公司)工作延缓带来的可能结果承担任何责任。 因此,尽管我们预期一般情况下项目发起人或组织能在项目结束后两周时间之内收到所有捐款,“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)不能保证没有延迟的时候。




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