


Instructions (使用说明)




You may donate with or without signing up on our website, but you are highly encouraged to do so. It is only after you register in that you are able to check your total contributions and other information at any time from your “Profile”. OneworldGiving also keeps these records for you. You can choose an account name, provide a true email and set a password to register and sign in. Donors may follow our platform's campaign categories or the link “Discover” to read about cases in need of your support. You may contribute any amount directly onsite using your PayPal account, or using your credit card/debit card through Stripe. If you prefer, you can choose to make your donation to be anonymous. "Manual Payment" is set available only for special campaigns. For a big amount of donation (over $500), to avoid the processing fee from payment companies, you may also contribute by manual payments following the instruction. You will receive an email from OneworldGiving confirming your contribution after it is successfully submitted. Please keep these emails as the official receipts of your donations through OneworldGiving. All your contributions will be shown under the cases you support. You may see the updates and leave your messages under each case that you support until the goals are met.

OneworldGiving is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Therefore, your donations made to campaigns in OneworldGiving are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. However, if you contribute to a special campaign marked with "non-charity activity", your daonation is not tax exempt.


You have to sign up on our website before you can create a campaign to seek help from the OneworldGiving platform. Campaign Organizers must register using your true identities (or the identities of the Charities’ authorized representatives), including your name. A fundraising campaign in OneworldGiving can only be created by people who has an American bank account. Please follow the link “Start a Campaign” to create your campaign and fill in all required information item by item.

        (1) Your campaign should fit within one of the organization’s five categories: 1) Medical; 2) Emergency; 3) Education; and 4) Nonprofit/Charity. You may submit your cases under category “Others” if your campaigns do not fit within any of above four categories. OneworldGiving will approve your campaign if we think it is qualified.
        (2) We strongly recommend that you include your full name in your “Name of campaign” and list your residence and/or location accurately. Therefore, donors will be able to easily search and find your campaign on OneworldGIving’s platform.
        (3) You should upload one main campaign photo (a landscape photo preferred) or video file at first through “Upload your own image” or “Video -”. You may also click the image button in “About Your Campaign” to upload more photos under your campaign. If you are asking people to contribute in-kind donations (such as voluntary labor, donated service, and donated goods), instead of money, you should choose "Supporting" under "Campaign Strategy", and describe what exactly you need in your campaign. There are no deadlines for your posted campaigns until the goals are met, unless you prefer to set a limited campaign duration (up to 180 days). You keep each donation your campaign receive and the money you collect will go directly to your bank account as you campaign is closed.
        (4) After you “Save and Preview”, please continue to upload a file with your bank or PayPal/Stripe account information and your contacting information through the “Files” link, which is located above the picture or video. Or, you may simply save your address and account information for receiving payments in your OneworldGiving account “Settings”, and then you don’t need to input the information for each of your campaigns. Only you and OneworldGiving can view these files/information in the “Files” link or in your OneworldGiving account “Settings”.
        (5) After your campaign has been approved and displayed on our website, you may upload more files and leave messages to provide more updated information and express your appreciation to your donors in the “Updates” section of your campaign. In order to complete this action, please sign in, then enter “Updates” located under the main picture or video of your campaign, click “New Update”, upload your files, and click “Publish”. Please make sure you click “Publish” every time you make or enter a change in “Updates”, and that the “Published” confirmation appears. If the word “Draft” appears instead, please click “Edit” and click “Publish” again. “Published” implies the information you have just submitted is posted on the website for the public to see. Otherwise, only you and OneworldGiving can view your updates and messages here.

OneworldGiving strongly recommends you share your campaigns here with your friends and family members via Emails, Wechat, Facebook, etc. People you know are always the first to support you. In addition, they will share your campaigns with their friends as well, which will effectively attract more donations.



         捐赠者可以选择不在平台注册,直接捐款,但我们强烈建议您在捐助前在我们平台注册一个用户。这样您每次在“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)登陆后就能在您的“个人档案”里清楚地看到您的捐献记录等信息。“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)也会为您保留这些重要数据。注册时您可以选择您的用户名,但必须提供您的真实电子信箱以便能收到“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)发给您的和您捐款相关的电子邮件。您可以从“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)的项目分类,或从平台上方的“发现项目”,“搜索”链接输入姓名,区域等关键词很方便地找到您愿意帮助的困难户或慈善项目。您可以在你打算帮助的项目下很方便的用您的PayPal账户,或通过Stripe使用您的信用卡,银行卡捐助。您可以选择显示您的用户名或匿名捐赠。“手工付款”仅为一些特殊项目开通。如果捐赠数目比较大(500美元以上),为了免除来自信用卡公司大约3%的手续费,您可以通过平台和“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)联系,使用PayPal, 银行转账,或支票等“手工付款”。每次支付成功之后,“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)会很快发给您一个收到您捐款并显示捐赠数目的正式电子邮件。请您把这些电子邮件作为您捐款的正式收据保存好。包括手工支付,您的所有捐款都会显示在您所帮助的项目之下。您也可以在您所帮助的项目下留言。在一些项目下,您也能看到发起人或困难户介绍他们得到帮助后的新情况。


        (1)您的救助项目应该符合本平台五条中的一条: 1)重大疾病;2)意外灾害,4)教育,或5)公益/慈善。如果您的救助项目并不属于上面四个类别中的任何一个,您仍然可以在“其它”类别下递交您的申请。如果您的情况确实需要帮助,“四海一家”会及时把您的项目上传到平台。
        (2) 建议您为您的项目取“活动名称”时把您的名字包含在其中,并一定要正确写出您所在城市(以县市为单位,用拼音书写,然后选择),以便捐款人能很方便地搜索到您的项目。
        (3) 其中一步请首先在“上传自己的图片”或“视频–”里上传一张主要照片(横向照片最好)或一段视频。您可以继续在“请在此描述你的困难情况”里点击最右边的图像小图标,在你的情况说明里上传更多照片。如果您的项目是在争取像衣物,食品等实物捐助或义工支持等等,请在类型中选择“争取支持”。您的项目可以没有截止日期直到目标完成。您也可以为自己的活动设置最多180天的限期。您的项目收到的每一笔捐赠款项会在您的项目结束时及时转到您所指定的银行账户上。
        (4) 在“保存并预览”后点击在您项目照片上方的“存档文件”,您可以在那里面上传一个写有您银行,或PayPal/Stripe账户信息,联系电话,邮寄地址信息的文件。您也可以在您“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)账户的“设置”中写进您的地址和付款账号,这样您就不用每次在上传项目中再填写一次。只有“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)和您本人能看到您项目“存档文件”里,或您账户的“设置”里的信息。
        (5) 在您的项目批准并在“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)平台上显示后,您可以进到您项目照片下的“更新”链接,再点击“更新”后上传更多照片和文件,留言。在得到大家帮助之后,您的生活,学习得到改善之后您也可以在“更新”链接里介绍一下您的新情况,并对帮助人表示感谢!请记住每一次在“更新”链接里在上传文件或留言后要点击“发布”,并看到“已发布公众”状态。如果仍然显示“草案”状态,请点击进入“编辑”后再点击“发布”。否则只有“四海一家”(OneworldGiving)和你自己能看到这些上传文件,其他捐款人并看不到。

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