


A candlelight vigil for the victims of Atlanta, Georgia shooting incident on March 16, 2021 亚特兰大事件烛光悼念会

A campaign by AYLUS Williamsville

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Successfully funded on March 21, 2021
A candlelight vigil for the victims of Atlanta, Georgia shooting incident on March 16, 2021  亚特兰大事件烛光悼念会
People of all faiths, backgrounds, and ages across the Buffalo community are invited to join together to A Candlelight Vigil for the Victims of the Atlanta GA Shooting Incident on March 16, 2021. AYLUS Williamsville members will donate electric candlelights to participants.  

Date: Saturday, March 20th, 2021

Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM, entrance opens at 7:30 PM

Location: Baird A Lot and Slee A Lot, UB North Campus

3月16日傍晚在亚特兰大发生的按摩院枪击案震惊全美,各地亚裔社区都以自己的方式悼念无辜死者,声讨犯罪的行为和犯罪者。我们作为美国华人联合会UCA(United Chinese Americans)的重要成员,决定响应UCA全美华裔共同举行亚特兰大事件遇害者烛光悼念会的号召,于3月20号周六晚8点在UB北校园,以车队的形式聚集,共同点亮电蜡烛,悼亡受害者,激励大家不要恐慌、联合起来,正视华裔的美国公民、居民的权利,向政府发出打击仇视犯罪,严惩恶徒的宣言!

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